The “TrafficRegulation” model supports the publication of machine interpretable traffic regulations.
It is separated in the following packages:
This is the top-level package of the “TrafficRegulation” namespace and contains the “TrafficRegulationPublication” class, which is a specialisation of the “PayloadPublication” class and hence forms the top of the hierarchy of the traffic regulation publication sub-model.
A “TrafficRegulationPublication” may be composed of one of the following four classes specifying different ways of publishing traffic regulations:
If a “TrafficRegulationPublication” is published without any of the four components, this means that there are currently no traffic regulations form these sources.
Figure 1 - The “TrafficRegulationPublication” class model
The “TrafficRegulationOrder” package describes different paths for publishing traffic regulations. Traffic regulations can either be traffic regulations from competent authorities, traffic regulations by authorised actors, ad hoc traffic regulations or planned dynamic traffic regulations.
Planned dynamic traffic regulations are often dynamically changeable and implemented by means of an automated or controllable technical system.
The “PlannedDynamicTrafficRegulations” class is a container for ” PlannedDynamicTrafficRegulation” instances, which is either an “AutomatedTrafficManagement” or a “TrafficSignal”. The latter is a hook to EN 16157-9. An “AutomatedTrafficManagement” class instance may be composed of traffic regulations.
Figure 4 - The “PlannedDynamicTrafficRegulations” class model
The “TrafficRegulation” package describes information on traffic regulations. A traffic regulation must have at least one type of regulation (see paragraph “The “TypeOfRegulation” package”) and may have several conditions for applicability. It is possible to either specify a single condition or to specify a condition set consisting of conditions combined with an operator (and, or, xor). Exemptions from traffic regulations can be expressed by setting the “negate” operator of the “Condition” class to “true”. As the condition class is abstract, it may be instantiated by the following classes:
“RoadCondition”: different road types
“OccupantCondition”: conditions for the occupants of a vehicle (e.g. disabled)
“DriverCondition”: conditions for the driver of a vehicle ( e.g. age, driver’s license)
“AccessCondition”: conditions for the access to a certain area (e.g. no entry, only for loading and unloading, only source traffic from a certain location)
“LocationCondition”: conditions for locations specified via the “LocationReferencing” namespace (EN 16157-2)
“ValidityCondition”: conditions for time validity specified via the “Validity” class from the “Common” namespace (EN 16157-7)
“NonVehicularRoadUserCondition”: conditions for non-vehicular road users (e.g. pedestrians)
“PermitCondition”: conditions for which a permit is required
“VehicleCondition”: conditions for characteristics of the vehicle
“ConditionSet”: a set of conditions combined with an operator (and, or, xor)
Figure 5 - The “TrafficRegulation” class model
The “TypeOfRegulation” package specifies different types of traffic regulations. The abstract class may be instantiated by the following classes:
“Warning”: see paragraph on “Warning” package
“OvertakingBan”: an overtaking ban
“RushHourLaneRestriction”: restriction of the rush hour lane (e.g. clear rush hour lane)
“MinimumDistanceRestriction”: specification of a minimum distance between two vehicles
“DirectionRestriction”: restriction of the direction in which the vehicle may travel and information on who to respect when following the specified direction
“AccessRestriction”: access restrictions
“SpeedLimit”: speed limits (e.g. maximum speed)
“AlternateRoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneLayout”: specification of alternate layouts for roads, carriageways or lanes (e.g. deviation to hard shoulder)
“StandingOrParkingRestriction”: standing and or parking restrictions (e.g. no standing for more than two minutes)
“PriorityRule”: different priority rules (e.g. give way to oncoming vehicle, priority at next junction)
“MandatoryRoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneUsage”: mandatory roads or carriageways or lanes (e.g. mandatory bus road or carriageway or lane)
“Rerouting”: specification of rerouting
Figure 6 - The “TypeOfRegulation” class model
The “Warning” package specifies four different types of warnings. The abstract class shall be instantiated by one of the following classes:
“TrafficAhead”: warnings for traffic ahead (e.g. traffic queues)
“SteepHill”: steep hill warnings
“RoadWarning”: warnings concerning the road or condition or the road (e.g. road narrows both sides, slippery road)
“AmbientWarning”: warnings about ambient factors (e.g. falling rocks)
Figure 7 - The “Warning” class model