This RSP tailors the following DATEX II model packages:
The Situation package is used for publishing event-type information for road closures as a SituationPublication. Instances of OperatorAction -> NetworkManagement -> RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement contain roadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagementType, see Figure 1.
Figure 1 RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement
The available closuretypes in this RRP are:
This RRP does not specify the locationreferencing methods to use. The applied method for location referencing is the choice of the specific user implementing this profile.
This RRP does limit the use of SupplementaryPositionalDescription to identifying the closed lane(s), and the carriageway on which they are positioned. laneUsage and laneNumber shall be used jointly to characteris lanes that are have a non generic usage.
Figure 2 supplementary positional description
The time validity profile includes the overallPeriod and validPeriod concepts. In case of long-term closures or because of traffic management purposes, controlled accessibility the following concepts are available as well:
The general ‘wrapper’ classes for conveying event information are the following classes:
Traffic Situations are in DATEX II modelled as a container class (Situation) that contains SituationRecords, the basic elements to describe an event of a certain nature. The following profile applies:
The RRP can be selected in the schema creation wizard at DATEX II webtool.
You skip Step 2
Choose the respective RRP in Step 3.
In step 4 you select the locationreferencing method you are going to implement.
Then you skip the subsequent steps and choose which type of output (XML Schema or JSON Schema) you want to produce in Step 6.
These schemas will then be used by the implementer of you RRP to create the interface software, e.g. by application of data binding.
If you service manages more data elements which have not been selected in the RRP, it is possible to extend the profile in Step 5 by selecting further elements.